Assistance when Omicron Forces School Closure

After returning from the 2021 Christmas break, St. Ambrose Grade School was hit with an Omicron Surge which affected students and teachers alike. This forced closure of the school and St. Ambrose Forever was able to provide lunch to the remaining faculty that could work. St. Ambrose Forever also provided the funds to have the entire building deep cleaned and disinfected so that everyone had a safe environment when school resumed. Thanks to your support, we were able to help out! Here are a few words of appreciation from the staff that we wanted to share.

Hi...Just wanted to say thank you, and the Saint Ambrose Forever Guys VERY much for providing our lunches today...The gesture is MUCH appreciated! PS...Stay healthy...Stay safe! :-)
— Mr. P
Thank you for our lunch today!! You guys are so good to us :)
— Ms. C
Hey! Thanks for getting us Guido’s! I was a little bummed we still have to be at school, but having lunch provided helps!
— Ms. B
Lunch was awesome, it was nice to have something to look forward to.
— Ms. E
Lunch was great and such a treat! Thank you!
— Ms. T

Tuition Assistance


Auction Night